Sunday, May 31, 2009

Torre's right: Manny should skip the All-Star Game

Joe Torre made headlines this week by offering his candid opinion on whether or not Manny Ramirez should be an All-Star this year. Here's his comment:
"No, I don't, and if you ask Manny, he'd give you the same answer," said Torre. "I understand a lot of it is a popularity contest and you want to give the manager the best players, but to me, the significance of the All-Star Game is to reward players who had a good first half."
In case you don't know, Manny actually is eligible to play in the game July 14. His suspension is due to end on July 3, barring any rainouts. So the possibility of him being voted in is an intriguing one.

My take on all of this is that Torre's right. I think Manny going to St. Louis would only cause more headaches for someone that doesn't need them. I can picture Manny being voted in, and all of the media attention would be on him and not on the other players that deserve their praise. It would basically be a giant circus.

I have no doubt that if he's not selected by the fans (he's currently fourth for outfielders) that the coaches will not pick him. First of all, Torre is one of the coaches, so it's not like he'd pick him after saying what he did. But the coaches would get grilled if they did pick him, so that's just not going to happen.

At the end of the day, everything will be much more peaceful for Manny, the Dodgers, and the All-Star Game as a whole with Manny staying back in Los Angeles on July 14. I'm pretty confident that will happen.

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